Thursday, December 13, 2012

My epic NaNoWriMo failure

Aw, I wanted so badly to 'win'  NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) but alas, I only made it to 15k words because of the insane amount of orders I received for Christmas show dresses. However, now that things are getting back to normal and I'm only doing dresses 40 hours a week, I have time to continue my writing!

I really don't know what to call my novel yet, or even what the biggest conflict in the story will be. I'm doing a hybrid pants-outline method. I feel that outlining every little detail up front doesn't allow for my random ADD creativity style,. I'm also aiming for 10k words per week - which might be a little bit of an extreme goal given my busy schedule, but I'm going to do my best to reach it.


Friday, July 13, 2012

Making some fun live wallpapers for Android!

Welp, the time has finally come!

I worked on some live wallpapers a while back, but had some trouble with preferences activities. Now that there seems to be a really good example I can use for reference, I'm gonna play away! I love glowy, sparkly, bright and pretty things.. it's no wonder I make figure skating dresses as well haha. It is a strange combo - writing a novel, sewing custom skating dresses, and android development.. I guess I just have a bad case of ADD. The only drawback is that I often find there are not enough hours in a day. If we could have 36 hour days, I'd be game for that! As long as I still only needed 8 hours of sleep a night.


Also leadbolt has me frustrated. It seems that I'm for some reason not getting credit for people completing actions, so therefore they continue to see ads even after I've promised them that their ads will go away, AND I don't get paid. I contacted customer support, so hopefully they get back to me at some point this weekend ~.~


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Back to some android development

Welp, I have terrible ADD and am back to doing 9000 kajillion things at once. I have two more custom dresses to finish, and I'm also working on my novel still (at 25k words, woo hoo!!! about 1/4 done) and today

I decided to add HeyZap and Leadbolt to all of my Android apps. That's gonna take some time, but it will hopefully pay off. I am not pleased with the terrible results I've had from admob - roughly 500 dollars over the course of a year. I figure I don't have much to lose by switching at this point. Also, I tried pontiflex as well and it has done even worse than admob for me ($5.00 in like 3 months) ugh.

Will make a follow up post when I have stats on leadbolt ... :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Dress Craziness

This last week has been particularly insane for me. I had eight dress orders over only a few days. Now I've been scrambling like crazy to get all of this stuff done in time for their competitions. I barely had time to celebrate 4th of July, but I'm so glad I got to. I really needed that day yesterday; lack of sleep has been killing me lately.

I've also hit the 25k word mark in my novel, and started outlining before I do each chapter (helps me get the words out faster) I definitely don't find myself able to outline more than one chapter at a time though, because it ruins my creativity. I like not knowing exactly what's going to happen next!! Lani, Lance, Erik, and Katie are in for a wild ride :-)


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Yesterday was an amazing day for me.

Yesterday I had by far my best sales day to date. I sold four dresses in a ~24 hour period! Woohoo!!! I can pay my bills this month! :-) I rewarded myself by buying some new books for my kindle, and I can't wait to start reading them.

Also, I had some really good time out in the sunshine. It was nearly 75 degrees at my house and so I went outside for about 45 mins and started to sunburn. It's been a while since I could go outside like that, since Washington hasn't been having the greatest spring. Hopefully it picks up soon cause I need more days like yesterday.

My novel is coming along pretty well also. I haven't added any new content in about a month because I get so caught up editing and trying to make all of my transitions smooth. I figure it will save me some time later on when I need to edit the entire draft, because most everything will be of good quality by then and I will have caught most of the grammatical mistakes etc. It seems to be a good workflow for me so far! PATIENCE! :-)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Nightmares about thieves

Last night I actually had nightmares about people stealing my skating dress patterns. We were at some big competition in Dubai where we had to complete all these tasks, and the 2nd to last task was to make a skating dress.

Sooo I drafted my patterns, only to realize I drafted in the wrong size. So I went to get more paper and then noticed one of the other adult skaters I used to skate with was stealing them, and didn't see anything wrong with it. I raged in my dream!! RAGED!

Other than that, my day was lovely (sarcasm) - I went to the dentist for cleaning, then had to go to the doctor for an emergency appointment because I have a bladder infection. Awesome, I know. So I got nearly nothing done that I wanted to get done today :( Boo...

Ah well, there's tomorrow.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Writing, setting up computer, sewing.

That's what my day will consist of! Well, I also need to catch up on like 4 shows that ALL showed on Sunday night. I chose to watch the Game of Thrones finale and watch the other three later. My BF didn't particularly like it, he's more of an "I WANT ACTION NOW!!!" type, while I don't mind story building one bit.

Speaking of which, we stayed up until dawn playing Dota on Saturday night /  Sunday morning. It was spectacularly fun. I need a lot of practice still though, because I'm so rusty. My BF is super competitive when it comes to the game, and is displeased that he isn't a pro after three days of playing. I told him he is way too hard on himself and to give himself a break.

Anyways, he gave me his old 8800GTS to use in my computer (which I have almost finished setting up from my fresh wipe). It seems to work fine and runs Dota perfectly, so I probably won't be upgrading for a while and am going to ask for fabrics for my birthday instead - because I can turn fabric into more than its worth with a little extra labor. :-)

Also, I am working on my novel again. I can't seem to get past the 20,000 word point because I keep going back and editing stuff. I guess at least this way, when I finally finish it there won't be as many errors.

Food time.